joi, 21 aprilie 2011

It's not me.. it's them.. :D

Cica fiecare are un inger care are grija de el.. Mie mi s-a parut intotdeauna ca asta trebuie sa fie un understatement.. adik doar unul? cu toate cele pe care le fac eu.. unul ar fi dat de mult bir cu fugitii..

Pe de alta parte, ce-i drept.. de multe ori m-am gindit ca da.. sigur are cineva grija de mine.. spuneti-i noroc, soarta, inger pazitor.. cum va vine la indemana sau la 'indeminte'. In unele situatii importante.. m-am nimerit la locul potrivit, la timpul potrivit, cu oamenii potriviti, in starea potrivita.. u got the picture...

Uneori acest moment cu toate cele potrivite poate fi unul de viatza sau de moarte.. si diferenta e foarte mica.. daca una din variabile n-ar fi cea 'potrivita' atunci diferenta s-ar produce.. Desigur, nu in toate cazurile e vorba de situatii dramatice ori/ori la acest nivel.. adica ori dai coltul ori nu.. dar chiar si diferenta dintre a fi bine sau rau este importanta in egala masura... doar stiti conceptia mea despre moarte deja.. nu e cel mai rau lucru care se poate intampla.. chiar nu e.. sunt lucruri mult mai rele out there decat sa mori..

Dupa ce am batut cimpii o vreme.. ajung si la subiect.. da.. eu si parantezele :))

Cica ar fi nu unul.. ci sapte (7!!!) care au grija de mine.. eh! Sapte.. e numar magic.. u know.. the perfect completion.. Cei sapte sunt.. in ordinea numerelor de pe tricouri (bine.. in ordine alfabetica)... Anael, Cassiel, Gabriel, Mihail, Rafael, Sachiel si Samael... Sa-i luam pe rind.. zic..

ANAEL (Joy of God or Grace of God) - He is the angel of intellectual activity.. he is also the archangel of the Sephirah Netzach... si daca tot am ajuns aici.. iata...

Sephirah Netzach - Any or all of which can become 'sore' or traumatized by a crisis-level need for VICTORY OVER ONESELF. From DEPENDENCY patterns to EGO-based self-definitions which limit your self development, and on up to life situations that require an almost "Epic" or heroic level of effort, we are all sometimes challenged to RISE ABOVE OURSELVES.. and all such situations center themselves here at the Sephirah of Victory. Symbolized by the ancient Greeks as the goddess ATHENA, patroness of both Victory In Battle AND the arts of Civilization, Netzach does indeed require us to BATTLE our own lack of civilization (or Spirituality) in order to attain the Victory that we need. Whatever issue brought you here to Netzach will require you to both BATTLE YOURSELF and ATTAIN A NEW CIVILIZATION based upon spiritual rather than egoic or physical pleasure motivations. Needless to say, that means LETTING-GO OF PAST PLEASURES in the interest of a better life to come.. and few of us find THAT prospect pleasing! It IS however necessary! Whether it was a once-comfortable relationship that must now be released to go it's own way, free of your claims upon it; or a lifestyle inherited from your parents or friends (but is no longer sustainable for YOU,) Netzach-crisis PROVES (and ENFORCES upon you) the fact that YOU CAN NO LONGER WALK THAT PATH. Maybe you can barely walk at all! But if you will recognize that your Path itself has changed (by "divine decree" or the Will of Heaven) and RISE TO THE OCCASION, you may enter a new Lifestyle that will make the past seem dim and unworthy indeed (however much you PRESENTLY still cling to it as 'ideal.')

CASSIEL - tot unul din cei sapte Arhangheli... Unlike many other angels, Cassiel is known for simply watching the events of the cosmos unfold with little interference. He is the angel of solitude and tears, and is said to preside over the deaths of kings. He is often associated with the Seventh Heaven (adica ultimul inainte de... ). It is said that Cassiel if forbidden to interfere with any of the events that he is witnessing unfold. What is even stranger, is that scripture goes on to state that Cassiel is burdened with solitude and tears, and that his presence is bountiful upon the death or passing of any great ruler or king. So I guess in this sense he is sort of a melancholy archangel, differing greatly from his archangel brothers and sisters.

GABRIEL - hmm.. unul dintre cunoscuti.. dar o sa scriu cite ceva si despre el.. - The Strength of God.. and his messenger :) He is called the chief of the four favoured angels and the spirit of truth.

MIHAIL - un alt cunoscut - He commands the armies of God, and is responsible for vanquishing foes both in heaven and on earth.

RAFAEL - The healer.. - Raphael is most often associated with healing or the rejuvenation of the body, mind, and soul.

SACHIEL - Is a mighty angel from the heavenly order of Cherubim.. He is also known as the archangel of both charity and wealth, supposedly possessing the angelic power to be able to help humans collect material wealth, should God will it. Sachiel has a wide array of powers, such as the ability to grant material wealth. He is also often associated with trading, business, investments, banking, insurance, gambling, politics, and legal matters. Legend has it that if you are faced with a problem that involves any of the aforementioned subjects, you should then pray to the archangel Sachiel for guidance, and he will help you out.
Asa.. si acum.. tineti-va bine.. ca e ultimul, dar nu cel din urma.. scarry...
SAMAEL - the Venom of God - is an important archangel. He is the one who possesses both the black and white soul. He is the angel and demon at the same time. He is accuser, seducer and destroyer and has been regarded as both good and evil. He is considered in legend both a member of the heavenly host (with often grim and destructive duties) and a fallen angel, equatable with Satan and the chief of the evil spirits. One of Samael's greatest roles is that of the angel of death. Satan in his original angelic form is sometimes equated with Samael, one of the highest-ranking archangels. The angel Samael is described as having twelve wings, and is associated with poison and death.

Mie imi plac povestile.. :) Daca punem informatiile cap la cap.. intellectual activity, watching without interfering and solitude, spirit of truth, comandor of armies, healing and rejuvenation, wealth.. accuser, seducer.. destroyer...

no wonder.. unii ar putea crede ca sunt vrajitoare.. dar vedeti.. it's not me.. it's them :)

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